Small Points for Big Futures

Friday -
Starting off the day, we assisted the children and teachers at the SEDS school in revising for their English Exam.
When it came time to take the English exam, they were a teacher short, so I ended up having to oversee the exam by myself, which was an interesting experience of feeling confused and unsure of if what I was doing was correct.
After the English exam, I went downstairs to help the children revise their maths. Although when I inititally went down, I was bombared with children jumping on me. At first I was lifting my arms while they would hold on, but after having every inch of my arm being held onto, my ability to lift my arms became quite difficult.

Studying for English
Debbie checking a student's answers
Revision time with Alex
Exams are create universal Feelings
Morning Tea
Lunch Time
Debbie helping with Maths
Breaking for lunch, Debbie and I ended up meeting Rajen's sister and some of her family.
Returning back to the school after lunch, they were all outside on the ground, revising maths in the fresh air. We joined them for a while, before returning.

Fresh Air Revision
A Indian Purple Rumped Sunbird
Sunset from our Roof


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